City Build - Scale

January 9, 2012
What career are you thinking about for yourself when you grow up?
Each group of three is to build a vehicle, a place to work, and a place to live.
Transportation, a Place to Live, and  a Place to Work
using LEGO® Duplo® Materials to be constructive, learn about careers, and build a city.
TAG City example
TAG City
Kindergarten example

TAG classes are going to plan and build a city.
They are learning about careers.
They are to interview a relative to find out what job they do and where they work.
At the end of the month they will build a big City at the MU LEGO City.
In the summers this build is at the Libraries as "Building Fun." Linda Hamilton of the Rahall Transportation Institute,
leads the children as they use LEGO ®  DUPLO® elements to build city neighborhoods, places to work, and vehicles.
Library example

Today the classes are working at even a smaller scale than the DUPLO size.

To double each dimension is to multiply the need for blocks by EIGHT times.
1      8       64

So these towns are small enough to hold in your hands.

Draw a birds eye view and describe your city.

Three TAG classes are going to build a City at RTI.

These cities are described and sketched.

Using 2 by 2 blocks make a larger scale City.

The larger scale can not have as much detail as the 1 by 1 block city on the same size base.

Many ideas for how a city could be.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
With support from 

February Challenge is to build a robot that can climb the stairs.
Next year's FLL and Jr. FLL them is Super Seniors