LEGO City Sights
at West Middle School
May 5, 2003

LEGO West Middle School
Adopt a School Program
On Monday, May 5, 2003, Linda Hamilton, David Cartwright, and Juan Bueno from
The Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute at Marshall University
met with 8 sixth graders in the art room of West Middle School in Huntington, WV.
We met for approximately 2 class periods, from 1-3 pm.

Using the LEGO Cities and Transportation educational sets, two students at each set, built transportation projects.

The Red Rover program was placed on four computers.
Two control LEGO City at RTI, and two are set up to operate LEGO vehicles at Davis Creek Elementary.

We will set up the City Sights field next time.

Go                                         Caution

Stop                                        The program is on the RCX.

RoboLab software was placed on two computers in the Art room,
so that students could program their projects.

For the first meeting, the students chose to make either a stop light or the traffic gate.
The gate was motorized, with sensor control. The stop light had the customary 3 lights.
Each LEGO creation could be controlled by an RCX that was programmed at the computer.

This �quick build� exposed the children to the following:

· Following LEGO instructions for building
·  Spatial Manipulation  (Seeing where the pieces fit together as a whole)
·  Measuring (Getting the correct piece)
· Honing Fine motor skills
· Reasoning and logic to place pieces in correct order
· Programming skills with RoboLab

West Middle School LEGO 2003
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton