Many changes have been made to the LEGO CITY since July 5th, 2001
The things that have been done are  listed below:

Four different programs were made and downloaded to the line follower (car)
- Program number 1 waits for a mail of the monorail to send either mail number fife, four or two.
If it receives mail 5 it will run program number 3 in the car. If it receives mail number 4, it
will run program number 4 in the car. If it receives program 2, it will run program number 5.
Program number 2 makes the car go around the city (following the line). After it passes through
the gate and receives mail number 6, it counts 8 seconds to stop. After stopping it runs program
number 1 again.
Program number 4 sent mail 10 to the alarm RCX (it has been changed again). After sending the
mail, program number 1 run again.
Program number 5 was made so that the car could go around the city, but when getting to the gate,
it turns back because the gate would not open. After going back to its original position, the
car's RCX runs program number 1 again.

Four different programs were made and downloaded to the monorail

Program number 1 makes the monorail go back and forth 3 times.
Program number 2 sends mail number 5 to the line follower.
Program number 4 sent mail number 4 to the line follower (It has been changed)
Program number 5 sends mail number 2 to the line follower.

Two programs were made and downloaded to the alarm RCX (They have been changed again)

Program number 1 turned on the alarm
Program number 2 gets the lights of the city ready so that if it gets dark, they will turn on.

One program was made and downloaded to the gate:

Program number 1 makes the gate open if the car is going to pass by.
When it opens, it sends mail number 6.

These programs were made so that the city could make different things at the same time.
The only limit was that the car would have to be turned on in order for the alarm to work, and
the batteries would.

In order to have more things going at the same time having the car turned off, the following
changes were made:

Program 4 in the monorail sends mail 10 to the alarm RCX
Program 1 in the alarm RCX gets the lights ready all the time and waits for mail 10 of the RCX in
order to turn de alarm on.



During this period of time, people have visited the LEGO CITY with many questions like:
What can you do in the LEGO CITY? Can you really program through the Internet? Etc.

A car that runs continuously in circles was built. People from anywhere in the world can send a
program to the server-computer to count how many times the car passes through a specific point
and get the data in a graph.

We have had communication with Mexico many times in which Mexican students use the LEGO CITY SITE

The LEGO CITY web site, which is still under construction, has been modified many times. The
databases were done and some web pages.