On Monday August 6th 2001 Jordi and Andrés, who work and have helped a lot at the LEGO CITY, had some friends of theirs controlling the LEGO city from San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
This was a very exciting event because San Luis Potosi is almost 2000 miles away from the ATI LEGO CITY in Huntington, West Virgina. Our Mexican friends that made the connection from San Luis Potosi are studying at the Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus SLP University. They even sent a message in Spanish congratulating Marshall University for the excellent accomplishment.

This is the message that Jose Luis Macias sent from Mexico:

Message006=From Sala_45 on Mon Aug 06 14:53:17 2001

A ver.. Pero que es esto??
Ahh Mira.. ya logre decifrarlo.. Que maravilla.. deberian
haber mas chunches de estas, pues creo que
fomentan la creatividad e incremente nuestro aprendizaje..
Quisiera de alguna forma apoyar a este programa, para que siga creciendo

The translation for the message follows:

Let's see, what is this?
Oh!!!.. I figured it out, It is wonderful, there
should be more stuff like this, I believe that
these things encourage creativity and increase our learning.
I would like to support this program in some way so it continues growing
Keep it going!!!

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