Big Creek High
takes on the
City Sites Challenge
May 14, 2003

Seven Big Creek High school students built a robot
and programed it to take on some of challenges
City Sites.

They set up the playing field, decided who would start building and who would start learning to program.
This was the most focused team imaginable.  They worked  for 10 in the morning until 2:30
always planning, tweaking the programming, working together to figure out changes and next strategies.
One program netted 62 points.
The Red Rover for Big Creek worked locally because the robot could be operated and the camera refreshed,
but  when connecting to Davis Creek we could see only words and not the picture.
We could see that the LEGO City at Marshall University ran
because we could see the Touch sensor and light sensor indicators change.
It was great to be connected with the words from Mr. Cartwright after driving for 150 miles.
However we could see neither the camera from SENSORSCITY
nor from Red Rover in either Mr. Bishops room or the computer lab.
I did see SENSORSCITY camera when set on Active X while at Gilbert.

The Welch newspaper came to see the students' work.
The robot showed off by fixing the bridge and moving the modular housing.

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton