Barboursville Middle LEGO Projects
September 3, 2002

We can connect to Davis Creek Elementary using
the Red Rover Rod Rover program.

The FIRST LEGO League challenge will be coming out soon.

Let's practice by writing a program to make this
robot go in a 2 foot square.
First try forwards for 10 seconds.

Send the program to the RCX through the IR.

Wow! 11 feet.

We figured out how to have it travel 2 feet, turn right, and repeat 4 times.

Barboursville Middle School LEGO Projects 2002-2003

Bville FIRST LEGO League
Barboursville Middle Math Class LEGO Projects 2000 - 2001
English Class RoboLab Investigator Projects 2000 - 2001
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton