Barboursville Middle
FIRST LEGO League Final 4
May 7, 2003


The final 4 at the final Wednesday of Spring semester

made projects with instructions and without from the Cities and Transportation sets.

The bad news is the City Red Rover camera picture took 6 minutes to load today.

The good news is we figured out how to use the Internet server part of RoboLab
so that we could make do with only one IR on one machine and program from all the machines.

This lift was made from just the idea at the end of the booklet.
Barboursville Middle School LEGO Projects 2002-2003

Bville FIRST LEGO League
Barboursville Middle Math Class LEGO Projects 2000 - 2001
English Class RoboLab Investigator Projects 2000 - 2001
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton