MU Continuing Education
On Saturday, April 8, 2000, several eager youngsters traveled to Cabell Hall to participate in DUPLO Camp.  The children engaged in several activities.  They matched patterns, made simple machines, built a strong bridge that everyone could crawl through, and planned, designed and constructed a community.  This community was complete with residential homes, an animal park, dubbed "The Jungle", a tram system, a store, and a railroad.  The morning group built a device to rescue a kitty that had run up to the top of the bridge.  The afternoon group designed a vehicle to pass an egg, representing sharing food, from house to house.  This activity is sponsored by the Marshall University Continuing Education Department.  Mrs. Linda Hamilton, MU Mathematics Instructor, teaches the DUPLO Classes.

The Jungle, A Refuge for Animals
Building A Rail Road
Building Shelters for Animals
Water Animals
Attaching the Tram
Choosing DUPLO Elements
A Vehicle to Rescue A Kitty
The DUPLO Train
Simple Machine
Kitty Stranded On the Top of the Bridge
Construction Vehicle
A Vehicle To Transport Food
Bubble Making Machine, Turnstile, and Merry-Go-Round
An Alternate Track
Train, Bridge, and Community
Resucing The Kitty With A Helicopter
DUPLO To The Rescue!
Crane With A Very Long Reach Helps The Kitty Escape From Its Predicament
Kitty Rescuing Takes Lots Of Cooperation
Tram System and House
A Different HouseTram
Everyone Can Fit Through Here
Everyone Has A Turn Under The Bridge
Can You Match The Pattern?
The Jungle Is Full Of Animals
DUPLO Community
Tram, Lake, and Moving Vehicles
Boat In Lake, Station for Tram, Bridge In The Background
Farm Animals, Vehicle Hauling Egg From House To House
Partners In Building Simple Machine
DUPLO Tram System


LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton

Created 4 / 9 / 2000
S. Simon