Davis Creek LEGO Teacher Training
May 4, 2002

Through a grant from West Virginia Space Grant Consortium,
Mrs. Simon has LEGO Dacta sets for teachers that will use them in their class rooms.

The monorail from the Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute was driven at Davis Creek Elementary.
It can be operated from your schools by setting up the Red Rover Earth site using daviscreek.cabe.k12.wv.us as the site.

Programs can be run at the AppaLEGO City housed
at the Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute at Marshall University.
Data from the programs can help students learning about traffic control and public tranportation operations.

It is nice to have two machines set up -
one to send programs through SENSORSCITY and
one to teleoperate through Red Rover .

The hands on learning is at least half the fun.
I did make a foot peddle bass drum.
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton