Sound Sensor Data
May 5, 2003

The plan for today was to use the sound sensor data.
The louder the sound the faster the merry go round is to go.

The Davis Creek Red Rover has a magnet in front that can pick up the rock with a magnet.

The SENSORSCITY May challenge also involves picking up things using magnets.

Building was started after checking out the the Davis Creek rover and the internet bots.

The sound sensor data was uploaded in RoboLab Investagator.

The reading was about 70 dB when the room was quiet and nearer 100 for loud sounds.

We used the RCX on a dance bot.

Close to the heater is noisy and away is quieter.

Mrs. Simon helped put away the merry go round.

Davis Creek 2002-2003
Davis Creek 2001-2002
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu