Davis Creek Elementary
May 19, 2003
LEGO Bounce Ball Game

Build a structure strong enough to pass the "drop test" from knee high.

RoboChallenge has four ball challenges.
I have a game at home that requires balls to bounce exactly once before going into the game board.
Today we are trying that game by LEGO robotics.

The motorized simple machine set has plenty of pieces to make a throw arm.

Using three bots to pass the ball is about as complicated as any one could imagine.

Great LEGO thrower and hoop.

Picture takes 6 minutes to come up the first time and then refreshes quickly.

Robot amusement ride.


Use gear train for power.

It works.

All sorts of good ideas.

Works for LEGO rock, too.

Davis Creek 2002-2003
Davis Creek 2001-2002
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu