Davis Creek Elementary's
Red Rover Launches A LEGO Rocket
Red Rover, Rocket Launcher and Light ready for launch
Davis Creek Elementary has launched its first rocket!  March 17 marked the day for the first trial run of the Davis Creek Elementary remote rocket launch.  The model was a small rocket built on a LEGO programmable brick with light sensors to signal the rocket to launch.  Students at Barboursville Middle School used the Red Rover software to drive the rover past the light sensor on the rocket launcher.  Their view was just though the camera on the Red Rover.  Once the progam was activated the rocket zoomed out into the classroom at Davis Creek as admiring fifth grade students watched.  Plans are being made to set up more remote rocket launches. 
Where is the rocket?
Retrieving the rocket and preparing for reloading
Loading the rocket
As a MU student assists the fifth graders man the Red Rover Rocket Launcher

Rocket Laucher Loaded & Ready
Thank you, Alycia for all your help!  Angela, too!

The View from Barboursville Middle
Full page at Davis Creek
Davis Creek Elementary
DC LEGO Site Map
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton

Created 3 / 23 / 2000
S. Simon
revised 1 Nov MM
L. Hamilton