Davis Creek Elementary's
Alternate Energy Sources

A LEGO Motor Can Be Used To Generate Electricity
The car that took a walk down the hall
This car can be taken down the hall for a walk by turning the handle on the generator.
Electrical energy made by wind power
Blowing on the blades can pull up the weight.
Bike similar to COSI high wire bike pictured below
Water power used to make electrical power for the light
Running the blades under a faucet does 
generate enough electricity to make light.
Harry's hair lights up!
"Harry" the puppet uses two generators.  One makes the hair light and the other makes the mouth open and close.
"Harry's" body is a periscope!
Battery box was used only as a weight
The battery box was used as a weight.
The falling weight was enough power to drive the car.
Harry's gears up close
COSI high wire bike ridden by DC 5th grader
Shows the generator
**Bike Movie**


Another DC 5th grader riding COSI bike showing the counter balance at the bottom
LEGO counter balance
The high wire bike has a counter weight below.  Turning one motor as a generator makes the bike go forwards and then back the other direction.

 Davis Creek LEGO Site Map
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
Davis Creek Elementary

June 6, 1999
Updated June 16, 1999
and April 23, 2002
Linda Hamilton
S. Simon