Charleston Libraries
Main Library and Riverside

Building Fun with DUPLO® and LEGO®  blocks
January 31, 2009
Join us for fun as we use DUPLO® and LEGO® elements to build city neighborhoods, places to work, and vehicles.
These programs are presented by Linda Hamilton of the Nick J. Rahall Transportation Institute of Marshall University.
Ages 4-8 with a parent or caregiver.

See how many kinds of transportation, work places, and houses were built today.


sky scraperkitty day care
tube funpictures

Thank you for the LEGO notepaper.
January 31, 2009
LEGO erring wearing librarian

Houses, work places, and transportation
Catch picture quicklybefore little one bumps project

trambuild vehicles with TOOLO
river travelscrewdriver is used to make vehicles stay together
home and garden and zoo
Circus trainhigh rise housing

Run Red RoverClear off snow
multifunction vehicleCity grows
picturesair travel
and city grows even moreskate rink

house and garden
warm cityBack to home and snow

Links of Linda Hamilton