Miller Elementary 
February 13, 2002
Programming Valentine's Heart
Look it is moving!!!
Let's go to the principal's office!!
While the Program is still Running on the Internet
 Let's go to program again
Is Fun!!
Next door class Students are watching
our programs as well...
We want to thank Congressman Rahall for making all of these possible.
Let's write a Letter.

Q/Mrs. Hamilton, how is electricity Generated?

A/It can be generated using a Motor. Let's see hands-on how it works...

This motor is easy to use to generate electricity.  The old is not.
Ready to go, let's try 2 cars at the same time and see what it happens...
 There they go, who is going to win?
Back In the Nick Rahall Appalachian Transportation Institute...
Everybody is watching what the kids did at Miller Elementary.
The message is:
"Happy Valentine's Day"

Made by Juan Bueno

LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton