Davis Creek Elementary
Mars Colony

Davis Creek Elementary Mars Colony '99
Davis Creek Elementary's fifth grade class built a Mars Colony as part of the NASA Mars Red Rover Project.  Mrs. Hamilton, a MU Math Instructor, worked with the students to learn, plan, build, and program the Mars Colony.  The Mars Colony features a habitat for human explorers, an air filtering machine, a water recycler and extractor device, a temperature control with radiation shielding, and a green house for plant and food production.  The fifth grade has worked all year learning about Mars and related space missions.  The students used their knowledge about Mars to plan and  design their colony.

Mars Colony Habitat
Water, Temperature, and Food Production Plants

Radiation Shield
Mars Colony Green House, Radiation Shield, & Water Production Machine
Davis Creek Elementary Mars Red Rover box
 The picture above shows the Mars Red Rover box where the vehicle is driven from remote places over the Internet using special software that communicates computer to computer.  The Mars Red Rover has been driven by students at Pea Ridge Elementary, Marshall University, PTA members, the after school program at Davis Creek, and our keypals from Australia.  All the action for this year's project has taken place centered around this arena.  We are planning to have more "drivers" in the near future.

Mars Colony under Glass
 You are welcome to visit our Mars site and take a trip with the Mars Red Rover.  Don't forget to pack a lunch, Mars is a long way off!

Davis Creek Elementary LEGOLinks 98-99
Davis Creek Mars Red Rover
Davis Creek Elementary

 Created 4/8/99
update 16 May 99