I had brought my LEGO Mars Rover model of
the SPIRIT Rover on Mars now.
The students and teacher and rover got to be on TV.
The students showed how anyone can connect to LEGO® robotics sites
an teleoperate rovers.
Camera for live camera view of the LEGO CITY
LEGO.marshall.edu for teleoperating
the LEGO CITY and Mars South Pole2
for sending programs for remote sensing
Davis Creek Elementary
Cydonia Mars Station
The TAG room built with their motorized simple machine sets
as I set up their LEGO camera and Red Rover software.
As they finished building we had their projects operated through Red
Students went in the MATH room and saw and operated the projects.
This student connected to IP of the TAG class and another student
and I, Mrs. Hamilton,
connected to the Math class.
Actually students went back and forth to each room to see how the other
side was doing.
That can not bee done from here to Mars.
View of Davis Creek on Red Rover through a LEGO project.
We found out that the power level needs to be very low for a fast robot.
The wires need to be place on the other directions if back is forwards.
The real Mars rover has solar panals, too.