Spring Hill Elementary Math and TAG
September 24, 2003
The two LEGO teams in the group of 5 Math students worked with Juan Bueno and Linda Hamilton.
The students came up with ideas for the rover return.
Then built and programmed their ideas.
One group had a geared down rover the goes slowly with worm gears.
They have decided to make a rover that is faster.
The TAG class is going to get LEGO robotics and machines sets.
They will have a red rover program in their room
that will connect to the Red Rover program in the other room.
Today two students visited the Spring Hill Red Rover program machine and RCX set up.
They got to see it over the internet and in person.
On an earth site they can only operate a Mars site.
When they have a Mars site themselves they will have an active rover that they and others can operate.
They will also be able to teleoperate Davis Creek Elementary's rover,
the CITY at Marshall University, the rovers at The Planetary Society in California,
the rovers in Hawaii and Spain, and other schools rovers .
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton hamilton@marshall.edu - Webpages and pictures on http://www.marshall.edu/LEGO
- Web camera on http://legocamera.marshall.edu
- NASA site of Remote Sensing on http://SENSORSCITY.marshall.edu
- Teleoperate LEGO CITY at http://lego.marshall.edu