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Research Capstone Project Proposal
Student Information
Student Name
Phone Number (304-555-5555)
Marshall Email Address
Major ... Biology Cell, Molecular and Medical Biology Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Microbiology
Expected Graduation Date Semester Year ... Spring Summer Fall ... 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037
Mentor Information
Is your Research Mentor a BSC faculty member? **Note: if not, you must contact the Capstone/Independent Study coordinator and receive approval for doing a project under this mentor before submitting this form! ... Yes No, not a Marshall faculty member No, but are a Marshall faculty member in another department
Research Mentor's Full Name (Salutation, First, and Last Names)
Mentor's Email Address
Mentor's Profession
Mentor's Address
Mentor's Phone Number (304-555-5555)
In the space below, describe why you want to do your Research Capstone project under this mentor. Include a description of what skills, knowledge, or other experience you will gain by working with this mentor, and why you cannot obtain a similar experience within the Department of Biological Sciences.
Project Information
Semester(s) and year the project will be carried out:
Project Title:
In the space below, insert the research plan you and your mentor have agreed upon. Be sure to read the instructions on the previous page to avoid delays in your project approval
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