Human Performance Laboraory Programs: A Marshall University Graduate Program of Academic Excellence
Test Menu Human Performance Laboraory Programs: A Marshall University Graduate Program of Academic Excellence

William P. Marley, Ph.D., FACSM, FAACVPR, NFLA
Professor Emeritus and Director/Principal Investigator
School of Kinesiology/College of Health Professions
Human Performance Laboratory Programs
Diabetes Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation Center
The Center for Lung Health
Voice: (304)696-2936/Fax: (304)696-4001/Email:

Dr. Marley is a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine, a Fellow of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, and has received the prestigious Healthy American Fitness Leader Award presented by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. He returned to the University after almost 20 years in the clinical setting where his work with cardiovascular research, health promotion, disease prevention, rehabilitation, and sports science included a client/patient base of almost 35,000-on a continuum from cardiac transplant patients to the elite athlete, men and women, the young, the senior population, the recreational athlete, and those simply wishing to stay healthy by living sensibly. Individuals in these programs accumulated more than 3 million hours of exercise.

In 2007, following his keynote lecture at the 26th Annual Weekend Update for Outpatient Cardiac Rehab Nurses, hosted by Nursing Enrichment Consultants, Inc,. in Harrisburg, the state capital of Pennsylvania, Dr. Marley received a Special Recognition Career Award. The award cited appreciation for his leadership and vision in establishing the Tri-State (PA, NJ, DE) Society for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, nearly 25 years ago. This society continues to lead the nation in regional activities and achievements.

The Graduate Exercise Science Clinical Program has been recognized as a Marshall University Program of Academic Excellence by the West Virginia Board of Governors. Dr. Marley has also served on the Joan C. Edwards Marshall University School of Medicine Admissions Committee.

The Laboratory Setting
The Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) at Marshall University is modern and well equipped, with the capability of performing a variety of cardiopulmonary, metabolic, anthropometric, and strength assessment to facilitate education, research, and community service in exercise science and wellness that includes health promotion, disease prevention, and rehabilitation. Laboratory procedures include oxygen consumption analysis for determining physical work capacity and screening patients for clinical programs with a 16-lead EKG multi-stage exercise stress test, and ambulatory telemetry.

Photographs of HPL Classroom

The HPL is a clinical laboratory for patients with the following programs:

  • Phase II and Phase III/Long term Cardiac Rehabilitation Program (AACVPR certified)
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program  (AACVPR certified)
  • The Diabetes Exercise Center. Affiliated with the Diabetes Treatment Center of Cabell Huntington Hospital and Marshall University Medical Center (ADA certified)

Opportunities are provided for students to obtain experience in multi-stage exercise testing and program management in the HPL. Subjects include students, members of the community, diabetes and cardiac patients, those being treated for chronic pain. In addition, good working relationships with the Marshall University School of Medicine, Cabell Huntington Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, Charleston Area Medical Center, and Duke University Medical Center as well as other regional hospitals, medical centers, and wellness centers have been established. This permits students to obtain valuable health promotion, disease prevention, and hands on clinical experience with medical profile development, case study analysis, and client/patient management in the cardiac rehabilitation and sports medicine settings.

The Human Performance Laboratory is one of the few such laboratories in the country that provides students with opportunities to work in the clinical setting. This means that they learn to develop exercise prescriptions, take blood pressures, read electrocardiograms, check blood glucose readings, and make appropriate assessments. These programs require mature and responsible behavior in managing patients with multiple medical disorders. The opportunity to work in such a setting is immeasurable. Students benefit greatly by directly applying knowledge gained in the classrooms.

Measuring Clinical Variables

Shawn Waugh, M.S., PA-C
University of Kentucky School of Medicine
A Board Certified physician assistant currently practicing in Florida

Excellent internship sites and good working relationships have been established with the University of Virginia Health System, Penn State/Hershey Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Duke University Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, South Carolina Heart Center, Carolinas Medical Center, Charleston [WV] Area Medical Center, Cabell Huntington Hospital, King’s Daughters Medical Center [KY], Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital [KY], and many other regional centers.

Graduates are presently or have been on staff at many centers across the region and the country, including the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Mayo Clinic, Duke University Medical Center, the McConnell Center of Ohio State University Medical Center, Southern Ohio Medical Center, Dayton Heart Center, Wheeling Area Medical Center, Charleston Area Medical Center, Cabell Huntington Hospital and Medical Center, Point Pleasant Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, and many other regional centers.

Many of our graduates have achieved success with Pfizer, Merck, Aventis, Medtronic, and others in the pharmaceutical and pacemaker industries. Marshall University Exercise Science graduates have also become pharmacists, physician assistants and completed medical school to become physicians. Some have become established scientists, others have assumed significant responsibilities as administrators in the clinical setting.

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Page Last Updated: 3.25.2013