Human Performance Laboraory Programs: A Marshall University Graduate Program of Academic Excellence
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President Stephen J. Kopp presented a lecture on Cardiac Mechanics to Dr. Eric Arnold’s ESS 644 Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology course on November 5th, 2009, in the Human Performance Laboratory Classroom. President Kopp is an established scholar in Cardiovascular Physiology. 

Stephen J. Kopp

On March 19, 2007, the Human Performance Laboratory hosted a dinner meeting of the Tristate Society For Endocrinology and Metabolism. Our featured speaker was Dr. Beverly M. K. Biller, M.D. Dr. Biller is nationally known for her expertise in neuroendocrinology. She spoke to us about "Physiology and Diagnosis of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency." Dr. Biller then presented a Medical Grand Rounds at the Marshall University Medical Center the following morning: “Evaluation and Treatment of Hormone-Producing Pituitary Tumors”.

Dr. Beverly M. K. Biller, M.D.
Harvard Medical School and Attending Physician, Neuoendocrine Clinical Center,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

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