Human Performance Laboraory Programs: A Marshall University Graduate Program of Academic Excellence
Test Menu Publications

  • Marshall University Human Performance Laboratory Programs Research Shows Effectiveness of Therapeutic Lifestyle Intervention In Managing Cardiopulmonary Disorders and Diabetes(PDF: 150KB)
    2013 Conference Proceedings, pp. 1500-1506.
    Hawaiian International Conference on Education
    Honolulu, HI: January 9, 2013

  • A Descriptive Study of Diabetes Mellitus Patients With Comorbid Cardiovascular Disease Enrolled in a Community Lifetime Maintenance Therapeutic Lifestyle Intervention Program. [Abstract] (PDF: 30.9KB)
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2011; 31: 271.

  • The Effects of a Long-term Intensive Multifactorial Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Hemoglobin A1C.
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2010; 30:277.

  • A study of Cardiac Rehabilitation Engagement And Its Economic Impact: A 4-Year Study.
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2010; 30:270.

  • Metabolic Syndrome, Behavioral, Clinical, Economic, and Health Domain Outcomes for Cardiac Patients.
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2009; 29:269.

  • A Study of Behavioral, Clinical, and Health Domain Effectiveness in a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program and its Impact on Healthcare Use.
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention. 2009; 29:272.

  • C. Eric Arnold, Gina S. Evans, Eric R. Blough, Sunil Kakarla, April Gutta, William P. Marley, Peter J. Reiser. Lack of Myosin Light Chain Isoform Expression in the Mechanical Overloaded Obest Zucker Rat (Leprfa) Plantaris.
    Medicine and Science in Sports, Exercise. 41:No. 5 Supplement, S593, 594, 2009.

  • G. S. Evans, S.M. Otto, R. S. Farley, M. I. Ivy, T. L. Perry, J. L. Caputo, W. P. Marley. Population Density, Funding Per Capita, and Availability of Recreational Trails and Facilities in Tennessee Communities.
    Medicine and Science in Sports, Exercise. 41:No. 5 Supplement, S593, 594, 2009.

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation in an Insured Population. [Abstract] (PDF: 131KB)
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 2008; 28:282.

  • A Study of Cardiac Patients in a Community-Based Program. [Abstract] (PDF: 8.61KB)
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 2007; 27:334.

  • The diabetes epidemic, interventional strategies, and related economic factors (PDF: 239KB)
    2007 Conference Proceedings, pages 3702-3709
    Hawaiian International Conference on Education
    Honolulu, HI: January 6, 2007

  • Impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation on the Economic Domain. [Abstract]
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, July/August 2006.

  • Progression of heart disease can be reduced or reversed.
    The Herald-Dispatch, April 10, 2006.

  • Benefit of Cardiac Rehabilitation for the Metabolic Syndrome and Related Variables in Patients With Comorbid Diabetes Mellitus. [Abstract]
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 2005; 25: 365.

  • Recent Research Shows Exercise Can Prevent, Delay, or Correct Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
    WVAHPERD Newsletter [Spring]: 20, 21; 2005.

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs Beneficial for Patients with Diabetes.
    Endocrine Today 2004; 2 [Number 7]: 35.

  • Benchmarking Outcomes for Type 2 Diabetes Patients in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. [Abstract]
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 2004; 24:348.

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcomes for Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Benchmarking data
    PROCEEDINGS: 2004 CDC Diabetes Translation Conference Expanding Clinical Horizons in Diabetes Care. Chicago, IL: May 14, 2004

  • Flaxseed oil supplement may be harmful to men.
    The Herald Dispatch. January 16, 2004.

  • Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcomes for Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Abstract.
    Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. 2003; 23:377.

  • Pete Maravich: His Role in the 20th Century NBA. Website Commentary.
    Sporting News. April 22, 2003

  • Lifestyle Can Be Paramount When Coping With Diabetes.
    The Herald Dispatch. November 13, 2002.

  • Diabetes Exercise and Education Program Management. [Abstract]
    Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL: October 4, 2002.

  • Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise: The Importance of Screening (PDF: 63KB)
    Canadian Journal of Diabetes. 26: 241-245, 2002.

  • A Physical Activity, Recreational, and Social Program for Children and Young Adults with Visual Impairment. [Abstract]
    Atlanta: November 10-12, 2000.

  • The Value of Physical Fitness for Young People with Multiple Medical Disorders. [Abstract]
    Atlanta: November 10-12, 2000.

  • Marley WP, Touchon RC, Marsh L, Williams M.Clinical outcomes for type 2 diabetes patients from predominantly rural areas aged 44 to 82 in a community exercise program.
    Proceedings/1st International Conference, Rural Aging 2000: A Global Challenge
    United Nations Programme on Aging, World Health Organization International.

  • Marsh L, Marley WP. Obesity: The New Major Risk Factor for CHD
    Wellness Ways, 16 (no. 1): 1, 1999.

  • Marley WP. A physical activity, recreational, and social program for children/young adults with visual impairment.
    Palaestra, Journal of Sport and Physical Education for Those With Disabilities, 16 (no. 2): 34-36, 2000.

  • Marley WP. A community diabetes exercise program. [Abstract]
    PROCEEDINGS: 1999 CDC Diabetes Translation Conference, Page 19.

  • Marley WP. Coronary atherosclerosis regression: reversing heart disease.
    West Virginia Association of Cardiovascular Pulmonary Rehabilitation Newsletter: Rehab News, 2(1): 3, 1999.

  • Marley WP, A 15-year exercise program for rheumatoid vasculitis. (PDF: 741KB)
    RHEUMATOLOGY: Review Series. 1:17-19, 1999.
    This publication was selected by an international panel as part of a special issue of rare and exceptional case reports from around the world. One does not apply for this consideration.

  • Marley WP, Wiedenfeld Smith K. Teubert Prep: A community physical activity, recreational, cultural, and social program for children/young adults with visual impairment.

  • Marley WP, Santilli TF. 15-year exercise program for rheumatoid vasculitis. (PDF: 68KB)
    Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 27 (no.2):149-51, 1998.

  • Rodbell BL, Shepard T, Taylor W, Marley WP. Bicarbonate loading and performance enhancement in half mile sprinting, Abstract.
    Med Sci Sports Exercise 30(5/Supplement):S61, 1998.

  • Marley WP. A community diabetes intervention management program. [Abstract]
    PROCEEDINGS: 1998 CDC Diabetes Translation Conference, Page 98.

  • Marley WP, Mullins JB. The value of physical fitness for a young man who is visually impaired with multiple medical disorders.
    Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. 91: 341-46, 1997.

  • Marley WP. the disability syndrome and the instinctive wisdom of the body.
    Palaestra, Journal of Sport and Physical Education for Those With Disabilities. 13(No.2):26-29, 1997.

  • Marley WP. SPORTS MEDICINE- Simple precautions can cool heat problems.
    The Herald Dispatch: July 28, 1996, p. 8B.

  • Marley WP, Mullins JMB. A study of physical fitness, diabetes, lipid disorder, and hypertension in a visually impaired 25 year old male. [Research Abstract]
    Journal of the International Council of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance. 32 (No. 2):11, 1996.

  • Marley WP, Santilli TF, Physical fitness, the Disability Syndrome and Reducing Cardiac Risk. Research Abstract.
    Journal of International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance. 32 (No. 2) : 11, 1996.

  • Marley WP. Manage Stress In: Jordan P, D Ardell, and K Gladish (eds.).
    Looking Good Basics. Washington, DC. JAMI Charity Brands Services, 1995.

  • Marley WP. FITNESS- Exercise remains best fat reducer.
    The Herald Dispatch: January 15, 1995, p. 6C.

  • Marley WP. FITNESS- Increased activity can reduce heart trouble, help health.
    The Herald Dispatch: October 9, 1994, p. 3C.

  • Peer Reviewer. Wenger, NK, Froelicher, ES, Smith LK, et al.
    Cardiac Rehabilitation. Clinical Practice Guideline No. 17. Rockville, MD:U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. AHCPR Publication No. 96-0672. October 1995.

  • Marley WP. Tips for Reducing Stress.
    In: Tips From America's Fitness Leaders. National Fitness Leaders Association/President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports:1996.

  • Marley WP. Heart rate variability. Invited Keynote Article.
    Prime Care Clinical Newsletter, 1994; V (no.2): 1-4.

  • Marley WP. Heart Disease: Women at Risk. Invited Keynote Article.
    Prime Care Clinical Newsletter, 1992;III (no. 1): 1-3.

  • Marley WP. Coronary atherosclerosis regression: Reversing heart disease. Invited Keynote Article.
    Prime Care Clinical Newsletter, 1992; III(no. 2): 1-3.

  • Reviewer. Guideline for Cardiac Rehabilitation.
    Champaign, Illinois; Human Kinetics 1991.

  • Leon AS, Certo C, Comoss P, Franklin BA, Froelicher V, Haskell WL, Hellerstein HK, Marley WP, Pollock ML, Ries A, Sivarajan EF, Smith LK. Position Paper of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Scientific Evidence of the Value of Cardiac Rehabilitation Services with emphasis on Patients Following Myocardial Infarction
    Section I: Exercise Conditioning Component. J Cardiopulmonary Rehabil 1990; 10: 79-87.

  • Reviewer. Ries A. Position Paper of the AAVCVPR. Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
    J Cardiopulmonary Rehabil 1990; 10: 418-441.

  • Reviewer. Miller NH, et al. The efficacy of risk factor intervention and psychosocial aspects of cardiac rehabilitation.
    In: Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation. Champaign, Illinois; Human Kinetics 1991.

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