At home
on Kylie Drost

[7/7/2013 1:55:18 PM] Kylie Drost: Hi, I'd like to add you as a contact on Skype. Kylie Drost
[7/8/2013 7:03:20 PM] *** Linda Hamilton has shared contact details with Kylie Drost. ***
[7/8/2013 7:04:30 PM] Linda Hamilton: So now am I talking to Kylie on the tablet?
[7/8/2013 7:05:56 PM] Linda Hamilton: Contact sent to Kylie Drost
[7/8/2013 7:08:24 PM] Linda Hamilton: Hi, Kylie. Did you get a tablet for you birthday? (What is a tablet?) (I thought you were getting an ipad.)
[7/8/2013 7:10:23 PM] Kylie Drost: Grandmother add this account please
[7/8/2013 7:10:42 PM] *** Linda Hamilton has shared contact details with Kylie Drost. ***
[7/8/2013 7:10:45 PM] Kylie Drost: Its a microsoft version
[7/8/2013 7:10:50 PM] Kylie Drost: Of the ipad
[7/8/2013 7:11:01 PM] *** Call to Kylie Drost, duration 00:02. ***
[7/8/2013 7:12:07 PM] Linda Hamilton: I tried video calling you but it stipped in 2 seconds. Can you video call me?
[7/8/2013 7:12:52 PM] Linda Hamilton: [Monday, July 08, 2013 7:05 PM] Linda Hamilton:

<<<  found a Kylie Drost to the left of here on the screen and added contact.
[7/8/2013 7:14:05 PM] *** Missed call from Kylie Drost. ***
[7/8/2013 7:14:14 PM] *** Call from Kylie Drost ***
[7/8/2013 7:42:46 PM] Kylie Drost: 00
[7/8/2013 7:54:52 PM] *** Call ended, duration 40:38 ***
[7/8/2013 7:57:09 PM] Linda Hamilton: Skype you tomorrow at 7:00    I want to let you know what I liked about Disp 2.
[7/10/2013 1:46:44 PM] Linda Hamilton: [7/9/2013 7:46:37 PM] Linda Hamilton: Love from Grandmother.
[7/10/2013 1:47:39 PM] Linda Hamilton: I have  Skype set up ready for Kylie Drost. Video call me at 3:00. Love Grandmother
[7/10/2013 3:09:07 PM] Linda Hamilton:  -
[7/10/2013 4:07:29 PM] Linda Hamilton: Kylie, I am home now.  You did not get on Skype at 3:00. Phone me at home. Grandmother
[7/10/2013 7:30:44 PM] Linda Hamilton: Kylie, we are back now.

On kyliejadedrost

[7/9/2013 7:16:59 PM] kyliejadedrost: Hi, I'd like to add you as a contact on Skype. kyliejadedrost
[7/9/2013 7:17:11 PM] *** Call from kyliejadedrost, duration 04:01. ***
[7/9/2013 7:46:37 PM] *** Linda Hamilton has shared contact details with kyliejadedrost. ***
[7/11/2013 9:08:42 AM] kyliejadedrost: What is going on.
[7/11/2013 9:17:11 AM] *** Missed call from kyliejadedrost. ***
[7/11/2013 12:09:28 PM] *** Call to kyliejadedrost, no answer. ***
[7/11/2013 12:10:37 PM] *** Call to kyliejadedrost, no answer. ***
[7/11/2013 12:11:14 PM] Linda Hamilton: Kylie, I was doing LEGO at Main Library. Every one asked about you.
[7/11/2013 12:11:35 PM] *** Call to kyliejadedrost, no answer. ***
[7/12/2013 8:29:47 AM] Linda Hamilton: Kylie, I am at Barbousrville Library and wll be back this afernoon.
[7/12/2013 2:09:27 PM] Linda Hamilton: Hi, Kylie
[7/12/2013 2:09:50 PM] *** Call to kyliejadedrost, no answer. ***
[7/12/2013 2:10:54 PM] *** Call to kyliejadedrost, no answer. ***
[7/12/2013 7:21:58 PM] kyliejadedrost: Helo
[7/12/2013 7:22:02 PM] kyliejadedrost: Tablet
[7/12/2013 7:22:21 PM] *** Call from kyliejadedrost, duration 23:57. ***
[7/12/2013 7:46:40 PM] Linda Hamilton: I am SOOOOOOOOO glad to talk and see you.
[7/13/2013 11:21:16 AM] kyliejadedrost: Tolk to you sone .
[7/13/2013 3:11:20 PM] Linda Hamilton: Hi, Kylie I am back home from taking Philip to his house.  We were on Skype with John Holbrook.  He was in a tent.