Davis Creek Elementary
2001 Miss Adventure
Challenge V:  HELP!

Davis Creek Elementary 5th grade students are working on the LEGO Miss Adventure Challenges.
The scenario is that a ship wreck strands some victims on a deserted, tropical island.
The only supplies available are the items on board the ship and the island's natural resources.
The first challenge is to build a device to get to the island with as much of the ship's supplies as possible.
The second challenge is to construct a shelter on the island.
The third challenge is to find a way to get fresh water for the islanders.
The fourth challenge is to find a supply of food and a way to keep the survivors fed until help arrives.

The fifth challenge is to design, build, and operate a rescue device.
Mercedes, Chelsea, Heather, and Kayla worked quickly to build a sign spelling out "H E L P ! ! !",
while rotating the messge in a circle.
Surely a passing airplane, ship, or a local native from a nearby island will spot their cry for HELP!!!
The animated gif above was made in the DC Mars RED ROVER habitat.

Mercedes, Chelsea, Mrs. Hamilton, Heather, and Kayla work to build the sign.

Kayla, Mercedes, Chelsea, and Mrs. Hamilton work to build a rescue sign.

Alas!  The sign looked good, but was top heavy when they tried rotating the sign.

Will this work?  What can we do to make this
sign better?  The girls decide to make the sign higher and add a four proned base for stability.

After discussion it is decided to draw the design first to ensure better planning.

Chelsea and Mrs. Hamilton work to rebuild.
Working together the sign is quickly ready to test.  The new design has a sturdy base and more height that will attract passing ships and/or airplanes.


It works!  The new sign, rebuilt for the third time, rotates the word "HELP" at a height that is clearly visible.

Heather carries the rescue sign into class to build it with LEGOCAD.  The .leg file is attached below.

LEGOCAD is useful to preserve models.

DC LEGO Miss Adventure:  HELP!

Well, I've done everything I could to survive on the island but I need to do more! Now it's time to get off of this island. I don't know if there is anyone else on the island. I'd love to find some help. I'm trying to signal other people using...a weird machine that moves back and forth. It has a sign that says HELP!

We used words and sounds! The Machine goes all the way around in a circle. It is run by electricity.
We programmed it on the Red Rover.

Trying to put the motor on was the most frustrating part!
The motor kept going in the wrong places but we had to keep trying.
At the beginning we tried making the sign with the big green plate but it was so heavy the the whole machine would fall over.

Captain HELP!
Gerri Giraffe is the look out 
for our rescue.
 Created 2 / 10 / 2001
S. Simon
L. Hamilton

February 8, 2001
Kayla, Chelsea, Heather, Mercedes, and Katie
With the Assistance of Linda Hamilton