Davis k Elementary
LEGO 2001 Miss Adventure:
Challenge VI:  Transportation

Davis Creek Elementary 5th grade students are working on the LEGO Miss Adventure Challenges.
The scenario is that a ship wreck strands some victims on a deserted, tropical island.
The only supplies available are the items on board the ship and the island's natural resources.
The first challenge is to build a device to get to the island with as much of the ship's supplies as possible.
The second challenge is to construct a shelter on the island.
The third challenge is to find a way to get fresh water for the islanders.
The fourth challenge is to find a supply of food and a way to keep the survivors fed until help arrives.
The fifth challenge is to design, build, and operate a rescue device.
The sixth Miss Adventure Challenge is to find transportation to explore the island.
Tyler, Joey, Seth, Zachary, Mark, and Matthew worked in two different teams to design, cad, and construct vehicles.
Some vehicles were propelled with rubber bands, some with sails,

Seth, Mark, and Matthew work with Mrs. Hamilton to build rubber band cars.

LEGOCAD is useful to preserve models.


Davis Creek Elementary Miss Adventure:  Transportation

Well, things are beginning to look up. I've built a vehicle from some of the extra supplies and set off to explore parts unknown. While exploring, I have found some strange stuff on the island - like parts from the ship that have washed in and some stuff has fallen out of the sky.  We have built cars and trailers to move rocks and pull down trees.  So far we have used the trees and rocks to make a house.  The wood that we had left over we have used for fire. 
Well,  I've been on this island for a while now. I've used parts from the ship that has washed in, and parts that I have discovered from deep in the island. I've found a hatchet to cut down trees, and have made cabins, and have used mud to hold it together. The rest of the wood was used for fires. I've built vehicles that can carry supplies, and pull rocks. One of them can go in the water and on land. The other is a land rover, and the other one is a regular car. I've taken a rock and some vines plus a stick and went fishing. So far we are doing just fine. We are still hoping that rescue will be here soon. I've built a tent out of bamboo and animal skin.

  Matthew, Seth 

Well I've been stranded on this island for several days now. I've used pieces of the ship I have found to build vehicles that help me get around. I have built a vehicle that helps me move boulders and cut down trees for firewood. We can get supplies with one of the vehicles we have built. We have not seen any other sign of life on the island. We've been searching for food and have been successful but have to go to the other side of the island. We are getting worried.
We had lots of problems finding the right pieces to build transportation objects. All of us built different things and we had to decide which object to use. Zachary built a jet ski, Joey built a boat that turns into a car, and Tyler built a submarine with a special propeller. We have been stranded on this island for many days now and we have not seen any rescue attempts so far. So we decided to build transportation vehicles to get around the island. We are still finding scraps of metal across the island. This morning we decided to fish for our food. We could not decide whose vehicle to use so we each used our own. Tyler caught 4 sharks, and Zachary also caught 4 shark, and Joey caught 1 shark. That was our most problems that challenged us. Nothing else stood a chance against Tyler, Zachary, and Joey. Joey's boat could easily turn into a car and back into a boat. Tyler's submarine could go as fast as light. 

Joey, Tyler, Zachary


Created February 23, 2001
Student Team:  Matthew, Mark, Seth, Joey, Tyler, Zachary

S. Simon
L. Hamilton