Marshall University Community College
LEGO Camp '98
Balloon Cars, etc.

The LEGO Campers made balloon cars and measured how long they traveled.  Then they got ideas about putting the car on a ramp.  That brought up thoughts about where the most weight should be put on the car to make it travel farther.  Then they decided that it took less weight to make the car go farther.  The final step step was to go to the minimal one wheel and make tops.

Note: Roll mouse over pictures for captions.
Works on first try. What could be done to make it go farther?
Using ramp adds distance. Does weight on front or back increase distance?
Make it smaller. Minimalist!

The plan was to make a balloon car and measure the distance traveled. The other ideas came from the students as they built and tried out their theories.
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Created by L. Hamilton & S. Simon
Updated March 11, 2001
LEGOLinks of Linda Hamilton