Light Sensors and Windmills

March 10, 2006

The windmills that the Spring Hill math students made last week are at the LEGO City and Mars South Pole.

This week they made each of them move by driving the rover through Red Rover
and by sending programs through SENSORSCITY.

The programs had datalogging.
We can see from the graph of the data how many times the windmill goes around.

We could tell that the windmill needed repair. Back at the City now all is well.

After the Internet LEGO robotics projects they made a vehicle and programmed it to follow a light.

One motor is used to go both right and left.
The light sensor readings are compared.

So the bot turns right toward the light until the other sensor reads brighter then it turns left and repeats.
Going right and left alternately it goes forward much as we walk one foot after another.
LEGO  Links of Linda Hamilton