LEGO Projects Sampler
Linda Hamilton, Davis Creek Elementary, Barboursville Middle, Meadows Elementary and Miller Elementary
page 2
 Walking Robot variation that is being used to learn LDraw.
Home school students' animals Home

Cities and Transportation at Davis Creek

eLab projects at Miller Elementary Solar panel

RCX Rocket at Barboursville Middle
Using an angle sensor, data was taken on how high the rocket would go with energy boost of falling weight
started at 10cm, 20cm, 30 cm, 40cm, 50 cm, and 60 cm.

Valentines day at Miller Elementary
A water wheel was made that would fit in the drinking fountain.  It could also lift a sack of candy by blowing.
Miss Adventure Project at Davis Creek see link

18 Feb. MM

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Linda Hamilton
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton   page 2
updated 26 May MM