100 Dots
August 20, 2012
Objective: to build a creation, that when viewed from
above will show exactly 100 LEGO Dots.
Village of Barboursville Elementary
1st and 2nd grade TAG
We have new WeDo
and red
10 by 10 is 100
The same number of dots on top can weigh different amounts.
5 by 20 is 100.
Plates can cover the cracks on the bottom to have the project stay
What we discover is more important than what we win.
100 dots
Adding more to the top adds no more dots.
Adding more sticking out to add more needed dots adds only the ones
that are not connected.
Example: When needing one more dot, he stuck a 2 stud beam with one
stud connected and one over the edge.
Central City Elementary 1st and 2nd grade TAG
Making an outline and counting the dots in boxes makes it much easier
to check the count.
Space topics this year can use
Web camera on http://legocamera.marshall.edu
Teleoperate AppaLEGO CITY at http://lego.marshall.edu
NASA site of Remote Sensing on http://SENSORSCITY.marshall.edu
and LEGOspace.com
Spring Hill 1st and 2nd grade TAG
Making an outline and checking out the shadow or footprint can make
counting the birds eye view easier.
Other 100 dot examples: