Introductory LEGO Cad projects |
The fifth grade students finished the
CAD Miss Adventure Projects by the end of
January '99.
The students also built these web pages to
illustrate their building designs.
Great job!
#1 Raft |
#2 Shelter |
#2 House |
#3 Well |
#4 Food Picker |
#4 Food Trap |
#5 SOS |
#6 Car |
#7 Helicopter |
After surviving the shipwreck, you managed
to get yourself and some supplies to the island.
You built a shelter, a way to collect water,
a way to gather or capture food,
a communication system, a vehicle to explore
the island, and a vehicle to travel home.
Updated 1-20-99
Updated 6/24/99
S. Simon(
L. Hamilton (