Davis Creek ElementaryMiss Adventure Projects 1998-99

  Students worked in pairs to develop ideas and designs, build a model,
and keep a journal and record the model using LEGO CAD.
The story line for theMiss Adventure challenges states that there was a shipwreck
and some survivors were left standed on a deserted island to fend for themselves.

LEGO Cad projects

The fifth grade students  finished the LEGO CAD Miss Adventure Projects by the end of January '99.
The students also built these web pages to illustrate their building designs.
Great job!

#1 Raft

#2 Shelter

#2 House

#3  Well

#4 Food Picker

#4 Food Trap

#5 SOS 

#6 Car

#7 Helicopter

After surviving the shipwreck, you managed to get yourself and some supplies to the island.
You built a shelter, a way to collect water, a way to gather or capture food,
a communication system, a vehicle to explore the island, and a vehicle to travel home.

Updated 1-20-99
Updated 6/24/99
S. Simon(ssimon@access.k12.wv.us)
L. Hamilton (hamilton@marshall.edu)