ATI Intelligent Transportation Systems
LEGO Workshop
The fourth day of the ATI LEGO Workshop students added to their traffic designs that were built earlier in this week.  The "Gadget" group programmed their traffic gate to relay a message back to the sensor if the approaching car is traveling to fast, then the gate is closed preventing the vehicle from continuing.  The "Car" group added a touch sensor to the front of their car so that it will move back and turn if it hits an object.  The "House" group continued to work on programming their house.  They also added a motor to the car that has been dubbed the "Wibbler".  The "Bug" group tweaked their traffic gate having it work with one RCX or two that sent messages to each other.  
All the groups are getting ready for the transportation display on Friday, June 9 at 11:15. 
Traffic Display
LEGO Suspension bridge
LEGO suspension bridge

Programming with ROBOLAB

Waiting for a computer to program traffic gate

LEGO Intelligent Car

Where is that connector?

Planning improvement to their programs

Recording specific programs on each RCX

Intelligent Car does a wheelie!

Touch sensor activates the Intelligent Car

Beginning a transportation display

ROBOLAB Design Books

Parents admiring the student's work

Programming a traffic gate

Traffic gate & house display

Traffic Display

Adjusting the display

Cars crossing the bridge

Overview of transportation display

Laptop Computer will help run the display

Adjusting the display
ATI LEGO Class 6-2-2000
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton
Monday June 5th, 2000  Tuesday June 6th, 2000 Wednesday June 7th, 2000 Thursday June 8th, 2000 Friday June 9th, 2000

Linda Hamilton
Created 6 / 8 / 2000
S. Simon