LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton 2001 - 2002
Davis Creek Elementary 2001-2002                                  Summer 2002 LEGO  in Normal and Montana
Spring Hill Elementary 2001-2002
Miller Elementary 2001-2002
Bville FIRST LEGO League 2001-2002
Bville Science/Math Classes  2001-2002
LEGO ELf at MU Christmas  Elf Pages
Continuing Ed DUPLO, LEGO, and Robotics Fall classes and March 2002.
WVSTA LEGO Teacher Workshop 2001
Marshall University Math Class connects to LEGO CITY
Pi Mu Epsilon MATH Club at Marshall University
StarShine 4/5
LEGO Projects at the Beginning of Fall 2001
Math Colloquium March 15, 2002
NSTA 2002 Conference Presentation March 27, 2002
Houston ISD June 4-5, 2002
AppaLEGO Presentation to Assumption College UTC June 8, 2002

    Nick J. Rahall, II Appalachian Transportation Institute
Davis Creek Elementary Intelligent Transportation Workshop May 9, 2002 and November 2001
Martha Elementary February 2002
Salt Rock Elementary March 2002
Highlawn Elementary May 2002
Davis Creek Teacher Training May 4, 2002
WV Science Fair  April 6, 2002
Juan Bueno's Projects 2002
Engineer Club 11 Feb 02
Mingo Vo Tech 11 Feb 02
Success By 6 02/02/02/
January 23, 2002 Teleoperators
 Dec 12-14 Train the Trainers for TO2W - Transportation Outreach on Wheels
November Presentation  Andrés and Jordi
LEGOCITY September Projects and Programs
August 14, 2001  ATI LEGO Workshop at Bluefield State
July 23, 2001 Nick J. Rahall, II  Appalachian Transportation Institute Dedication
July 16-20, 2001 LEGO Intelligent Transportation Workshop
LEGO Links of Linda Hamilton