Davis Creek Elementary


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Davis Creek Elementary

LEGO Projects

Yellow LEGO Sets

Starting At A Younger Age DUPLO Elements Provide An Important Beginning

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure . . .

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure . . .

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure . . .

Miss Adventure LEGO CAD

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure 

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure 

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure 

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure 

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure 

The Wreck of the Miss Adventure

Intelligent House With Control Lab



ROBOLAB Programming


Robot and Bunny

Robots & Visitors


Space Shuttles . . . Model Rovers . . . StarShine Satellite Orbiting Earth . . .

The Red Rover In Australia . . .

Armadale Primary School Melbourne, Australia Saw Us Via the Rover Camera

Then We Met . . . Our Faces On Their Computer!

Red Rover, Red Rover, Send Students Right Over!

Rover Pictures . . .

The Author of Mazes On Mars Present DC With A Copy

The Red Rover Mars Box

Red Rover Pictures

Rover Camera Pictures . . . 

Addition to Rover . . . A New Arm

Red Rover Goes To Mars Viewed By Homer Hickam

DC Mars Colony �99 http://daviscreek.cabe.k12.wv.us/dcmc.html

DC Mars Colony Display Box With RCX

Next . . .

Author: Linda Hamilton, Sharon Simon

Email: hamilton@marshall.edu

Home Page: http://netapps.marshall.edu/lego/